Creating a healthy workplace

There are many ways you can make your workplace healthier for your employees – and increase motivation, commitment and attendance.

By putting in place measures like these you can help all your employees to maintain good mental health, and reduce the risks of breakdown, stress, anxiety or more severe mental ill-health.

  • ensuring employees have a good work/life balance
  • being clear about responsibilities and expectations 
  • allowing employees flexibility in working hours 
  • encouraging social and sporting events among staff

Where do you start?

Talking about mental health tackles discrimination - help your colleagues talk more openly and honestly by promoting our talking tips.

There are many resources available to help you make your workplace healthier and happier. They will show you:

  • how to support an employee with experience of mental health problems
  • how to talk to an employee who is distressed 
  • how to keep in touch during sickness absence 
  • what sorts of adjustments to consider when an employee is returning to work

Useful links

How healthy is your company’s culture?

  • Mind Workplace provides consultancy and training for employers to help them manage mental health and maximise their company’s true potential.