Room to Talk Podcast

Welcome to The Room to Talk Podcast – where every voice matters.


We have launched the Room to Talk Podcast, where we aim to bring together Time to Change Wales Champions, Pledged Employers, partners and supporters in a joint effort to tackle mental health stigma through the power of voice.


This platform allows us to amplify the voices of our guests with lived experiences of mental health problems in Wales to raise awareness and support others. Additionally, we share insights of personal experiences to eradicate stigma across different life areas. 

Join us as we debunk mental health myths, dismantle stigma, and foster a more compassionate and understanding society. Together, let’s make Wales a place where everyone feels accepted, supported and valued and where they are able to access the right support for their mental health. 

Listen to our episodes here: 

“We are delighted to be able to offer this podcast to our supporters and partners. We mustn't underestimate the power of the voice as it is such an effective tool in fighting against challenges, and hearing the powerful testimonies from people with lived experience can offer a lot of learning and hopefully spark more conversations around mental health in order to challenge the stigma and discrimination around it." - Hanna Yusuf, Room to Talk Podcast Lead & Host

We strive to accelerate the movement to end mental health stigma and discrimination in Wales through engaging conversations around lived experiences and expert perspectives on the podcast. By fostering dialogue, empathy, and education, we aim to cultivate a culture of acceptance and empowerment for those experiencing mental health problems in Wales. 

You can listen to our podcast on all major podcast platforms including: 


To join us on an episode of the Room to Talk Podcast, please email Hanna on or call 02920 105004. If we miss your call, please leave a voicemail so we can get back to you.